Sunday 13 January 2019


It rained acid today.
The droplets trickled down
The bark of the ancient peepal,
Much like tears on a tired, wizened aaji’s  face,
Caressing every furrow on that parchment-like skin,
Leaving behind a glistening trace of red in their wake, singeing hot.

It rained acid today.
And the old peepal bent lower,
Denuded of her leaves, her wisdom,
Broken, a mere shadow of her former glorious self,
Mustering the very last bits of her once limitless energy reserves,
As the woodcutters hacked away at her foundations; a branch here, a nest there. 

It rained acid today,
Just as it had for four and a half years.
And as the executioner swung his axe one last time,
I heard clearly from the safety of my cocoon on a distant hill-top,
Amid the cacophony of the saffron sea, baying for blood, or what was left of it,
A voice; grandmotherly, resigned (it broke my heart beyond measure): “You have failed me!”