Tuesday 12 August 2014

Away He Walks

Muffled screams and stifled cries
Of pain and grief, unseen by eyes
In the land of truth and peace and gods
Of shattered dreams and blatant lies

Where terror rules and bullets fly
Where uniforms kill and plainclothes die
Where people rule, or so they say
Justice, though, turns a blind eye

Ban the words: ‘human rights’!
Unquestionable, truly, is the nation’s might
Our ‘collective conscience’ swells with pride
When men are hanged in the dead of the night

Where laws are guilty of heinous crimes
Where emerald greens turn into mines
Where villages vanish as waters rise
‘Development, development’, scream out headlines

As smoke spirals and fires rage
‘Eye for an eye’, demands the sage
Keepers of law, unfazed and unmoved
Quietly turn a fresh new page
Has, out of our lives, the light gone?
The ‘no ordinary one’ that once here shone?
Six and a half decades have passed
As away he walks, distant and alone

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